فارسی عربي

'The Wasteland' to vie at Vitre Iranian filmfest

Iranian feature 'The Wasteland' has made its way to the Nouvelles Images d'Iran - Vitre Iranian film festival in France.

Iranian feature 'The Wasteland' has made its way to the Nouvelles Images d'Iran - Vitre Iranian film festival in France.

In its 31st international presence, Ahmad Bahrami's second directorial experience will be screened at the second edition of the event.

Produced by Saeed Bashiri, the 102-minute movie is set in a remote brick factory.

The factory produces bricks in an ancient way, many families with different ethnicities work in the factory and the boss seems to hold the key to solving their problems.

Forty-year-old Lotfollah, who has been born on-site, is the factory supervisor and acts as a go-between for the workers and the boss.

The boss asks Lotfollah to gather all the workers in front of his office to talk with them about the shutdown of the factory.

Now, the only issue that has occupied Lotfollah’s mind is to keep Sarvar, the woman he has been in love with for a long time, unharmed.

The cast list of the film includes Ali Baqeri, Farrokh Nemati, Mehdi Nassaj, Majid Farhang, and Mahdieh Nassaj.

The festival will be organized by the Franco-Iranian Center in collaboration with Aurore Cinema, House of World Cultures, Ouest France, World Trade Center Rennes Bretagne along with several other French centers and Iran’s Farabi Cinema Foundation.

The festival aims to highlight promising young Iranian filmmakers by inviting them to present their first achievements.

This year’s edition of the event is scheduled for December 11 - 15.

